Domain renewal

At Cloud86, domains are automatically renewed annually by us. You can see in My Cloud86 what the renewal end date is and if we automatically renew it.

Note: Is the domain automatically renewed by us? Then you can still get a message from ICANN that the domain registration will expire soon, this is beyond us and unfortunately we cannot prevent it. For the ICANN mail see: ICANN End date domain and expired domain

Login on My Cloud86 Dashboard

Use the following steps to log in to Cloud86:

  1. Go to the url:
  2. Enter the email address you used when registering.
  3. When you placed the order, you provided a password for your account. Forgot which password you used? Then have a new one sent to you via the forgotten password link.

Domain expiration date and automatic renewal

To see the expiration date and whether automatic renewal is active, you can click in My Cloud86 in the left menu on Domains and then My Domains. Then you will see a table with all domains registered with Cloud86. See the Next Due column to see when the domain expires and the Auto Renew column to see if the domain is being renewed by us. If it says Enabled we will renew the domain for you, if Disabled we will let the domain expire and it will automatically disappear from the overview of active domains.

To modify Automatic Renewal follow How to cancel my domain?

If you need some help, you can always reach our support desk by email and on weekdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm you can also reach us by phone and via the chat in My Cloud86.