If you've received an email from drs@domain-registry.nl about a change in the Registrant, but haven't made any changes to a .nl domain yourself. Then there is a big chance that this is caused by a change from SIDN (administrator of the .nl extension).
SIDN has banned the use of privacy and proxy services as of October 1, 2023. There is no longer any provider who can/may use any protection on the registration data of a .nl domain. For .nl domain names, in case of private individuals all data are protected except the e-mail address, for companies, in addition to the e-mail address, the holder of a domain name is also displayed.
This is the reason why you have received an e-mail regarding the change of the holder data. This is a decision of the SIDN, we have no influence on this. For more information please visit https://www.sidn.nl/nieuws-en-blogs/vanaf-1-oktober-geldt-een-verbod-op-privacy-en-proxyservices-onder-nl.
1011 Registrant of %domain% has been changed
Van: drs@domain-registry.nl
Datum: %Vandaag% om 18:48:47 CET
Aan: info@cloud86example.com
Onderwerp: 1011 De houdernaam voor %domein% is veranderd / Registrant of %domain% has been changed
Antwoord aan: drs@domain-registry.nl- English version of this message below –
Beste domeinnaamhouder,
Je krijgt deze mail omdat je de administratieve contactpersoon bent van een domeinnaam.
Registrar.eu heeft de houder van thermologica.nl veranderd. Dit zijn de gegevens:
Houder / Registrant:
%Postcode% %Stad%, %Land%
Administratieve contactpersoon / Administrative contact:
%Postcode% %Stad%, %Land%
Klopt dit volgens jou niet? Neem dan contact op met het bedrijf dat je domeinnaam beheert: Registrar.eu.
Met vriendelijke groet,
Beantwoord deze mail niet. Wij krijgen het antwoord namelijk niet binnen. Vragen kun je sturen naar: support@sidn.nl.
Dear registrant,
You are receiving this message because you are the administrative contact for a domain name.
Registrar.eu has changed the registrant of thermologica.nl, as follows:
%Postcode% %Stad%, %Land%
Administrative contact:
%Postcode% %Stad%, %Land%
If you think that a mistake has been made, please contact the service provider that manages the registration (Registrar.eu).
Kind regards,
Please don't reply to this mail. If you have any questions or feedback, please contact support@sidn.nl.
If you need some help, you can always reach our support desk by email support@cloud86.io and on weekdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm you can also reach us by phone and via the chat in My Cloud86.