Plesk: Adding extra domain (website)

Depending on the hosting package you have chosen, you can add 1 or more additional websites (domains) to the same hosting package. This means you don't have to order a new hosting package for every new domain you register and want to attach a website to. This can significantly reduce your hosting costs. To use the domain, you must register it or already have it in your possession.

Adding a domain for a website is a 2-step process:

  1. Adding the domain in My Cloud86 to the DNS Zone.
  2. Add the domain in Plesk to your web hosting package

Adding domain to the DNS Zone

  1. Go to My Cloud86 (link).
  2. Click in the left menu on Domains and Manage DNS.
  3. At the web hosting plan where you want to add the website, click + Add DNS zone.
  4. Enter the domain name, without www and extra white spaces, then click Confirm.

For detailed instructions, see Add a domain to DNS.

Adding a domain in Plesk

  1. Go to Plesk (link).
  2. Click in the main menu on Add Domain. Don't have this button? Then you have reached the maximum number of websites you are allowed to add with your hosting package. Consider upgrading your package to be able to add more websites.
  3. In the pop-up menu choose the option you want to use, in this example we will use Blank website. We strongly discourage the Import an App or Site option, this is because it rarely works as expected.
  4. Enter your new domain name, the type of hosting you want and click Add Domain.
    • Domain name: Enter the new domain you have ordered and to which you want to add a website.
    • Webspace: If you have multiple web hosting plans, you can select the right plan here.
    • Hosting type: Choose Website hosting if you want to use a website and/or mail. We do not recommend the option Forwarding, this is because the SSL certificate is not always set correctly, while with a .htaccess redirect this is not a problem. See Domain redirect if you want to redirect the domain to a specific url or another website that is not on the same Web hosting package.

Now you have created a new domain in Plesk and can add new mail addresses for the domain, as well as put a website on it, such as WordPress. See the following guide on how to do this:

Note: If you just added the domain to Plesk, an SSL certificate will automatically be requested by us within 4 hours. As long as no SSL is active on the website, you will get a message such as "Your connection is not private" (chrome; edge), "Warning: possible security risk" (firefox), which you can ignore. You can also request the SSL certificate yourself by following the following guide Requesting free SSL Certificate from Let's Encrypt.

If you need some help, you can always reach our support desk by email and on weekdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm you can also reach us by phone and via the chat in My Cloud86.