We back up your hosting package every day, up to 7 days back. You can restore these backups yourself via the Plesk control panel. You can choose from email, databases, individual files or you can even restore your entire hosting package to a specific point in time at once.
Login on Plesk Control Panel
- In My Cloud86 (link), click in the left menu on My Services.
- Click the 3 dots behind the web hosting package you want to see in Plesk and click View Details.
- Under the heading Manage Webhosting (middle of the page), click on Websites & Domains.
- You will now be automatically logged into the Plesk Control Panel.
For the full manual with images, follow Login to Plesk
Restoring backup
Note: When you restore objects from a backup, they overwrite and replace existing objects with the same name. You are not prompted when an object being restored is about to overwrite an existing object. You lose all changes to objects being restored that were made after the backup was created.
- In Plesk, in the right menu click on Backup & Restore.
- Click on the Creation Date of the backup you want to restore.
- Choose the parts (objects) you want to put back, below we will go over the different objects you can put back. If you want to put back the whole system click All objects (the whole system).
- Mail account: Restore individual mail accounts. New mails that came in after the backup remain and mails that were deleted in the meantime come back (merge).
- Database: Restore individual databases. This restores an exact copy of the database.
- SSL/TLS Certificate: Restore SSL/TLS certificates. The files are completely overwritten.
- Sites: Restore a website with all its associated components (mail, database and files). Files (and mail) that were extra created remain and files that were deleted return. The database must be associated with the domain (related to), otherwise you can also manually restore the database from the same backup.
- Files or domains: Restore individual folders or files.
- Choose the type of object you want to restore, under Available, click the appropriate mail address, database or domain so that it appears under Selected and select Restore.
- Now Plesk is restoring the backup, as soon as this is done you will get a notification of this. For large websites (>10GB) this can take quite some time.
For more information, also see the official Plesk documentation at docs.plesk.com.
After restoring the backup in Plesk, I see no changes on my website.
Then we recommend first disabling or emptying the Caching Plugins and then clearing your browser cache. You can empty your browser cache by following the steps on this website: https://clear-my-cache.com/. Then close your browser completely and restart it. Alternatively, you can use another browser or incognito mode.
If you need some help, you can always reach our support desk by email support@cloud86.io and on weekdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm you can also reach us by phone and via the chat in My Cloud86.