In some cases, you may have a hosting package with us, but your website is hosted elsewhere (such as WIX, Weebly, or another hosting provider). If you still want to use our mail server for your domain, you will need to make some changes to your DNS and hosting package settings. Follow the steps below to continue using your email in this case.
For illustration purposes, we use the domain always replace it with your own domain in question. The domain is whatever is behind the @ sign in the mail address ( or entered in the url bar in the browser (after https://www. or https://).
Login on My Cloud86 Dashboard
Use the following steps to log in to Cloud86:
- Go to the url:
- Enter the email address you used when registering.
- When you placed the order, you provided a password for your account. Forgot which password you used? Then have a new one sent to you via the forgotten password link.
Adjusting DNS records
- In My Cloud86, click in the left menu on Domains and then Manage DNS.
- Find the domain for which you want to manage the DNS records and click the pencil icon behind it (this is the Edit DNS zone button).
- Perform the following actions on the records.
Action: Delete (trash icon behind record 🗑️)
Record Type: CNAME
Name: mail
Cname: (example domain name)
Action: New (add record)
Record Type: A
Name: mail
IPv4 address: (replace with ip address of server, see other A records)
Action: Edit (pencil icon behind record✏️)
Record Type: MX
Name: @
Preference: 10
Exchange: (replace with your own domain)
(other records have been omitted for simplicity)
Note: we are using our test domain in the example, always replace it with the domain in question. Besides the domain you will also have to change the ip address here ( to the ip of your Webhosting plan, see the value in the record webmail or * (wildcard) in your DNS Zone. Or follow the manual Plesk: Where can I find my server name and ip address?
Changing IMAP and SMTP data
Because we have changed the MX record, a change will also be needed in set email clients. By default we use the domain name for the server, but if the website is not with us then the mail will be delivered to the other provider. To change this, we need to change the server settings from the domain name to the Plesk server name.
- To find the Plesk server name follow Plesk: Where can I find my server name and ip address?
- For other IMAP/STMP/POP settings, see IMAP, SMTP and POP settings.
Note: The change from server to the Plesk server name must be made with all email clients and SMTP servers. Until these changes are made you will not be able to receive or send email for that device.
New IMAP/SMTP/POP settings
IMAP (incoming server)
Username/emailadres: (replace with your desired email)
Password: Known by you
Server: (your Plesk server name!)
SSL port: 993
Non-SSL port: 143
SMTP (outgoing server)
Username/emailadres: (replace with your desired email)
Password: Known by you
Server: (your Plesk server name!)
SSL port: 465
TLS port: 587
Non-SSL port: 25
POP3 (incoming server)
Username/emailadres: (replace with your desired email)
Password: Known by you
Server: (your Plesk server name!)
SSL port: 995
Non-SSL port: 110
In addition to the general information, we also have instructions for some commonly used email clients. See the sections Mailing via Webmail and Linking Mail to an email client in the email guide.
If you need some help, you can always reach our support desk by email and on weekdays from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm you can also reach us by phone and via the chat in My Cloud86.